Friday 26 October 2012

Comparison of Psycho & V For Vendetta Shower Scenes - (Camera Shots and Angles)

The two clips I have been looking at are both shower scenes from V for Vendetta and Psycho. Both are shot very differently through camera shots, angles and framing. This shot shows the amount of drugs in Prothero's bathroom, shifting the audiences focus away from him to the drugs. This is also one of the first shots, and shows that Prothero showering in this scene is not necessarily significant.

The first shot in the Psycho clip is of Marion Crane closing the door, then taking of her clothes. This suggests that the woman should be on her own in private and her naked body is secretive, also this may suggest that we as an audience are viewing her and therefore invading her privacy.  
A shot shows the various amount of things Prothero is doing whilst preparing to have his shower, the camera uses a medium long shot to show all that he is doing, drinking, watching the TV and talking on the phone. This shows his shower isn't that significant in the scene.

Looking at both shower scenes in Psycho and V for Vendetta they are quite different in terms of what is going on. In Psycho the woman is only shown undressing and having a shower doing nothing else, (also later being stabbed) this makes the scene more intimate and the audiences focus is on her while she showers. In V for Vendetta, Prothero is doing various things: taking pills, on a phone, watching the TV and still watching the TV whilst showering, this divides the audiences attention making him in the shower not to be the main focus in the scene.

There are several close-ups in Psycho especially on Marion Crane, it can be said that she is seen as a sex symbol as her body and face are the main focus throughout the scene, this also highlights her appearance. There is no depth of field used keeping the scene very intimate as it is only the shower that is used as the setting. Their is a graphic match between the shower hole and the woman's eye, showing that they are both similar in the fact they are lifeless, the woman has been killed and the shower hole is an inanimate object.

In V for Vendetta depth of field is used quite effectively with the wide bathroom being shown along with the entrance to the house, expanding the scene and using various settings. There are also no close-ups on Prothero in this scene showing that his appearance is not significant.

Looking at both the shower scenes in V for Vendetta and Psycho I would say that the shower scene from Psycho is an example of voyeurism, rather than V for Vendetta. There are multiple things on-going in V for Vendetta and there is no camera focus put on Prothero, also only mid shots are shown on his body (from shoulders up). Looking at Psycho the woman remains in focus and is mostly the main focus of the camera, she is also in an intimate space in which she is only showering. There are also side boob shots and her melodramatic happiness she experiences when showering looks like she's having an orgasm. Also her whole body is filmed from feet to head, this does suggest that she is the subject of voyeurism for the audience to view.

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