Thursday 22 November 2012

Textual Analysis Conclusion

Looking at both The Dark Knight and Harry Brown, the protagonists of the film take up the role of vigilante. Through both the films narratives, we see the characters progression as vigilantes. The thriller genre is conveyed in the films through mystery and enigma codes as the audience follow the vigilantes on their journey and the suspense of the fate both Batman and Harry Brown will face.  In The Dark Knight and Harry Brown we see how through the seeking of revenge and redemption both vigilantes (Harry Brown and Batman) therefore clean up the criminal society around them. Harry Brown cleaning up the crime in the South London council estate and Batman cleaning up the crime in Gotham city. Although we as the audience see Harry Brown & Batman do morally wrong both protagonists escape punishment, this shows through narrative both films communicate that the protagonists are right through their actions. In Harry Brown we see Harry's equilibrium restored at the end of the film as the estate he lives in is no more infested with youth gang crime, but instead peace. Also the fact that he has avenged his best friend Leonard's death by killing all those involved restores his equilibrium as he no longer feels guilty for the death. In the Dark Knight we see Batman's equilibrium not restored as he does not avenge Rachel's death, and the Joker gets Harvey to join his side. Also we see Batman having to leave Gotham because he no longer feels he is a worthy leader.

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